Publisher’s Note

CML is proud to have our office in the iconic 1939 WPA Historic Banner Elk School. We hope you will come by and visit one of the other great businesses within these sturdy walls. Can you imagine if the building had ears for 85 years—oh, the stories we would hear!

As our team combed these final pages before press, we were amazed at how many organizations are celebrating significant milestones. The headlines and story lines throughout these pages will highlight the dedication of folks who make a difference for the people living and visiting our region.

So many businesses have stood the test of time, have dug deep and worked hard to preserve their special niche. They have given back to our community. Many support local non-profits through philanthropy, while some through events and actions and they work hard to treat their staff and their customers with a southern gentleness. It is evident when you meet these business owners.

That’s why this area is growing, and folks have discovered our gem within the mountains.

You have asked us for years, “Where is the music, the best theatre, adventures to write home about, outdoor explorations, quaint and delicious dining spots and shopping opportunities—so we answered you, and still do!

Someone mentioned to me the other day, “I keep CML in our car as a way to check on what’s happening so we don’t miss anything.” That was a compliment that spurs us to continue to find and showcase all that is special.

I am reminded that 14 years ago, I penned CML’s publisher’s note to celebrate the Blue Ridge Parkway’s 75th birthday that coincided with my mom’s 75th! I think what I am feeling this go around is how important it is to celebrate each day, anniversaries, and each other. This summer will be one year since mom passed peacefully and it’s as if her spirit is saying just that, “Live each day to the fullest!”

With that in mind and having perused and proofed this Summer issue multiple times with our amazing team, my calendar is now chock-full. I would like to light the imaginary candles for all the significant anniversaries—to those within these pages, to you reading this as you, too, may be celebrating your own anniversary or celebrating someone significant in your life.

Roll us up and keep us as a reference or guide for where to go, what to see, and how to experience this region to the fullest.

~ Babette

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