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The CML office is located at the Historic Banner Elk School in downtown Banner Elk.
Take a virtual tour of the town of Banner Elk >
About the Historic Banner Elk School:
The Historic Banner Elk School is now known as the Cultural Arts Center of Banner Elk and is open to the public. From its unique beginning in 1939 as a Works Progress Administration (WPA) venture to help the local economy and its citizens, to its final days as a public school in 2011, the Historic Banner Elk School (HBES) has been a fertile, nurturing environment for thousands of youngsters and families.
The Banner Elk Book Exchange pioneered the historic school’s renovation and is located in the Cultural Arts Center. Through its “Bring a Book, Take a Book” concept, children’s activities, book discussion groups, and many other programs, the Book Exchange has become a valuable addition to the Banner Elk community.
In addition to CML Magazine and the Banner Elk Book Exchange, tenants in the Cultural Arts Center include the Ensemble Stage, a professional theatre company, BE Artists Gallery, and Common Ground,
Header Photo by Skip Sickler (https://skipsickler.zenfolio.com/). See more of Skip’s work at the BE Artists Gallery at the Historic Banner Elk School.
Publisher, Babette McAuliffe
Office: 828-964-0009
[email protected]
Historic Banner Elk School – 185 Azalea Circle
Banner Elk, NC 28604